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Historical Sites

The Devil’s Bridge (Sheitan kyupryu)

Location: Located on about 5 km north from Ardino near the village of Dyadovtsi.
Description: Stone bridge over the Arda river, built on a scenic narrow gorge in the Late Middle Ages. Through it passed the way, which used to connect region of the Thracian lowland with the Aegean. The bridge was built in medieval architectural tradition, there are three arches, several spillway, upstream dispensed with breakwaters.

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Devil's bridge

Thracian sanctuary “Eagle rocks” 

Location: It is in the area Eagle Rocks at around 4km south of Ardino.

Description: The complex is dated IV – VI century B.C. and had a religious-burial purpose. In the highest rocks are cut around 90 trapezoidal niches. It is assumed that they have placed pottery or tiles associated with the cult of the dead. Under the rocks there are traces of furrows, altars and other ancient structures.

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 Regional museum of history

Location: town of Kardzhali.

Description: The museum was created in 1965 for research, preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of the Eastern Rhodopes. The fund held more than 30,000 objects from archaeological excavations, objects, photos and documents related to the history of the region.

Currently the exhibition is located in a building that itself is a magnificent architectural work and is a monument of culture. It was built in 20 years of XX century and is decorated in Asian style.

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Art gallery “Stanka Dimitrova”

Location: st. Republikanska (the old main street) in Kardzhali near the open market.

Description: The gallery is located in a stylish building that was refurbished Turkish town hall. Today there are more than 2000 works of art, including paintings of Bencho Obreshkov, Ivan Markvichka, Vladimir Dimitrov “the Master” and others. There is a rich collection of icons from the XVIII - XX century.

Status: Declared for cultural monument. Managed by the museum of Kardzhali.

Access: Near an asphalt road.



Reintroduction of Red Deer in the Eastern Rhodopes

New Thracian Gold and the National Hunting and Fishing Association - Union of Hunters and Anglers in Bulgaria work together to recover the...

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What is the New Thracian gold

New Thracian Gold (NTG) is a Bulgarian-Dutch project, active in the period 2009-2014, aiming at the greener future for the Eastern Rhodopes....

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