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Press releases

NEW THRACIAN GOLD 5 YEARS ANNIVERSARY. Open doors weekend in the Eastern Rhodopes 26-27 Apri - 17.03.2014

The winners of NTG Contest - 04.11.2013

European Bison Reintroduction in the Eastern Rhodopes - 27.10.2013

„The Wildlife of Eastern Rhodopes” in Varna and Sliven - 24.10.2013

Deadline of NTG Contest „Eastern Rhodopes – Taste the Wild Nature“ extended till 15 October - 01.10.2013

A week till the deadline of NTG Contest „Eastern Rhodopes – Taste the Wild Nature - 24.09.2013

„The Wild World of the Eastern Rhodopes“ is in Burgas - 18.09.2013

A Newborn Tarpan in the Eastern Rhodopes - 25.08.2013

Fallow Deer in the Eastern Rhodopes Released - 18.08.2013

Bread Festival in the Eastern Rhodopes - 26.07.2013

First Red Deer Offspring in Studen Kladenets Reserve - 18.07.2013

Taste Organic Products from the Eastern Rhodopes at Uzana Fest - 2013 - 08.07.2013

„The Wild World of the Eastern Rhodopes“ is Exposed in the Visitor Center of National Park Rila - 02.07.2013

Share of Experience Trip of NTG Organic Farmers to Austria, Slovenia and Croatia - 09.06.2013

The „Wild World of the Eastern Rhodopes“ Visits Blagoevgrad - 05.06.2013

Official opening of the first organic tahini factory in Bulgaria - 22.05.2013

Felt Atelier in “The Wild Farm” - 30.04.2013

Exhibition The Wild World of the Eastern Rhodopes - 24.04.2013

Crossbill Guidebook: A New Perfect Guide to the Eastern Rhodopes  - 12.04.2013

First Tarpan Foal for 2013 - 02.04.2013

New Thracian Gold at BioAgra 2013 - 04.03.2013

Third edition of NTG Contest „Eastern Rhodopes – Taste the Wild Nature“ - 01.03.2013

Long Distance Hiking and Biking Route „Trans Rhodopi” at Holiday&SPA EXPO 2013 - 13.02.2013

World Wetlands Day in Kardzhali - 01.02.2013

Wolf Attack on Tarpans in the Village of Sbor - 15.01.2013

New Colony of Grey Heron in the Valley of the Arda River - 14.01.2013

The Winners in the Second Edition of NTG Contest „Eastern Rhodopes – taste the wild nature“ - 17.10.2012

Cooking Days in the Eastern Rhodopes 2 - 01.10.2012

Biking tours in the Eastern Rhodopes will be presented at the opening of the Mobility Week - 15.09.2012

Official Opening of “The Route of Cheese” in the Eastern Rhodopes - 14.09.2012

Einkorn Harvest in the Eastern Rhodopean village with a name of einkorn - 07.08.2012

Photo Exhibition “The Mysterious Flowers of the Eastern Rhodopes” - 13.07.2012

A Culinary Guidebook to the Eastern Rhodopes - 05.06.2012

Cooking Days of Healthy and Organic Dishes from the Eastern Rhodopes - 30.05.2012

New Species of Heron in the Heron's Colony in Kardzhali - 14.05.2012

Crossbill Guides Team is Working on Guidebook of the Eastern Rhodopes - 08.05.2012

Outdoor performance of the play “Greenwild” at the Tarpan days - 25.04.2012

New Guest House in the Eastern Rhodopes - 21.04.2012

Nеw Thracian Gold at Green Days 2012 - 19.04.2012

First Tarpan Foals Born in the Eastern Rhodopes - 09.04.2012

Organic Producers in the Eastern Rhodopes are Open to Visitors and Tourists - 05.03.2012

Tarpan Days in April - 03.03.2012

Competition for the most interesting itinerary and best photo „Eastern Rhodopes – taste the wild nature“ - 01.03.2012

The First Ever Tourist Guidebook to the Eastern Rhodopes - 13.02.2012

Reintroduction of Red Deer in the Eastern Rhodopes - 20.01.2012

Traditional Midwinter Waterbird Census in the Eastern Rhodopes - 19.01.2012

Round Table on the Reintroduced for First Time in Bulgaria Tarpans - 28.11.2011

The winners of the first competition „Eastern Rhodopes – taste the wild nature“ - 01.11.2011

Second Open Day for Organic Farming In the Eastern Rhodopes - 07.09.2011

Bulgaria’s first Tarpans (wild horses) to be reintroduced in the Eastern Rhodopes - 30.08.2011

Youngsters will mark eco trail today in the Eastern Rhodopes - 28.08.2011

Dutch Charity Ambassadors witness positive changes in Eastern Rhodopes - 24.08.2011

Bread Festival In the Eastern Rhodopes - 21 July 2011

Competition for the most interesting itinerary and best photo „Eastern Rhodopes – taste the wild nature“ - 06.07.2011

Beautiful orchids are blooming in the Eastern Rhodopes - 5 May 2011

NTG at "Green Days" expo - 27.04.2011

The first vulture for 2011 hatched - 25.04.2011

"The New Thracian Gold" Gives Free Advices to Organic Farmers of AGRA - 09.03.2011

New Tourist Map of Eastern Rhodope - 17.02.2011

A Culinary Guidebook to the Eastern Rhodopes

Rhodope Mountain Biking

Rhodope Mountains – perfect for biking   If you are into adventure, a fall back in time, then the TransRhodope mountain trail...

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Birds in Eastern Rhodopes

Eastern Rhodopes are one of the richest, in terms of ornithological highlights in Europe. Because of its location on the edge of the European...

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