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Oreshari protected site

The Oreshari protected site has an area of 55 ha. It was established with Order No:274 of 23.08.1999 by the Ministry of the Environment and Water, on the suggestion of the Bulgarian Society for the Protection of Birds. The Oreshari protected site is in the Krumovgrad Municipality, in the land of the village of Oreshari. Despite its limited area, it contains various habitats – rocks, pastures, mesophyll and xerophyll woods, and shrubs, which determine the high level of biodiversity. Here we find the habitats of plants included in Bulgaria’s Red Book: yew (Taxus baccata), Black Maidenhair Fern (Аdiantum capilis-veneris), toothwort (Lathraea rhodopea), blue throatwort, (Trachelium rumelianum). Of the animals, we find the tortoises (Testudo graeca, Testudo hermanni), the European legless lizard (Ophisaurus apodus), the Alpine swift (Apus Apus), the somber tit (Parus lugubris), the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus), and the black stork (Ciconia nigra). The protected site is part of the hunting territory of an Imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) couple.  The caves are inhabited by a number of bat species as the big and the long-fingered bat, the grey long-eared bat, and the common bent-wing bat.

Dolmen at the village of Pelevun

Location: At 2 km before the village Pelevun, Ivaylovgrad municipality, on the right to the road. Description: It is a tomb, pointing east -...


Karakachan sheep

The Karakachan sheep is the domestic sheep’s closest ancestor to the wild European mouflon, and is one of the oldest breeds of sheep in...