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Perperikon - Archaeological complex

Location: The complex is located 20 km northeast of Kardzhali, 2 km from the village of Gorna Krepost. It is entirely carved into the rocks and is one of the oldest monumental megalithic sites in Bulgaria. Here can be found the Thracian legacy, bearing memory of the god of wine Dionysus. Impressive cult center grandiose architectural ensemble - these are just some of the descriptions of the great city.

: The earliest signs of human activity are from the end of IV millennium B.C. when the people began to worship the and bring gifts to the Rock. After long silence, in the late bronze age, begins the forming of the huge religious complex related with the cult of the people from this era to the Sun God. His creation and increasing extending continues for centuries. The first sanctuary was created for performing various rites as laying the containers of food for the gods and others. The sophistication of metal tools it is possible to partition hard rock and then formed an oval hall with a huge circular altar in the center. There, priests performed sacred rites with wine and fire.

Gradually were build fortress walls, palaces and suburbs, residential neighborhoods, schools and many dedicated structures, characteristic of the ancient city were also crated. The scales of those buildings are spectacular. The whole hill is grizzled of human presence.
At the end of the V century the rock city became the Episcopal center, since in the Rhodope Mountains to Christianity. The significant dimensions of the existing church prove its relevance as a religious center.

In VII - XIV century Perperikon flourished as an administrative center of the medieval area, then bearing the name Ahridos. Main place it has enjoyed a remarkable architecture and decoration as a church building. During this period Perperikon many times have waged wars between Bulgarians and Byzantines. At the end of XII in Perperikon lost its importance of administrative center and in the XIV century the Ottoman Turks conquered and destroyed the fortress, whose ruins gradually sink into oblivion.

Status: Today the ancient glory of Perperikon raises in the work of archaeologists. It was declared a cultural monument of national importance. The sacred rock city is a unmatched combination of uniqueness in archaeological, historical, natural and multi-religious aspect and we would be right if we call it one of the wonders of the world. The site has an entrance fee. Is managed by the Museum - Kardzhali.

Access: Perperikon can be reached by car on the road from the village Stremtsi (north of Kardzhali) or by road from the village of Shiroko Pole (east of Kardzhali). Near an asphalt road. Marked walking trail starts from the village Bolyartsi and goes directly to the Tower of Perperikon


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