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Birds in Eastern Rhodopes

Eastern Rhodopes are one of the richest, in terms of ornithological highlights in Europe. Because of its location on the edge of the European and Asian continent, the pristine landscape and the variety of habitats, the impact of the Mediterranean and the relatively weak human disturbance, the Eastern Rhodopes has become a favorite place for many bird species. The area is of high conservation value for many rare and endangered species.

Almost threehundred bird species occur here, which is about  70% of Bulgaria’s total. Very characteristic for the area is the great diversity of birds of prey. Among them are three vultures and almost all European eagles and falcons. The region hoststhe largest populations of Griffon vulture  and Egyptian vulture  in the Balkan Peninsula. At the Greek side, in Dadia reserve, the last colony of Black vultures  in Southeast Europe persists. Those majestical birds often feed on Bulgarian territory and ecologists hope for a recolonisation of former Bulgarian breeding sites.

In the Eastern Rhodopes many colorful southern species find good breeding conditions, such as Hoopoe, Roller, three different shrikes,  Blue Rock Thrush ,Black-eared Wheatear, Black-headed Bunting.  

Rivers and damlakes in the Eastern Rhodopes attract waterfowl. There is a unique mixed heronry on the Arda River bank in the town of Kardzhali. Here breed Little Egret, Night Heron , Little Bittern and Pygmy cormorant

The ornithological richness of the Eastern Rhodopes makes this region a paradise for birdwatchers and photographers.

For some interesting information about the Common House Martin click here.

Farms and wineries

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