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You can contribute to the efforts  of  Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation for sustainable development of the Eastern Rhodopes or particularly, our work in these priorities:

Wilderness and biodiversity
The wilderness component aims at the restoration and conservation of one of the best wilderness areas in Europe. We stimulate the restoration of essential ecological processes, and promote the sustainable management and use of natural resources. Natural grazing, predation and scavenging rank high in this restoration priority list. Reintroduction to the wild of vanished wild herbivores like Deer, Tarpan (wild horse), Chamois and European bizon is stimulated, as is the semi-natural grazing with well adapted rare local breeds like Rhodopi Shorthorn cattle and Karakachan horse. Parallel with those initiatives goes an intensive communication program raising public awareness and involvement of local people.

Sustainable tourism
Our local partners are tourism entrepreneurs and owners of organic farms, B&B’s, hotels which offer accommodation and guided excursions and activities. By investing in the exchange of experience and special trainings we help specific local tourism initiatives discovering the “green” gold of the region. We also work on promotion of the Eastern Rhodopes at the national and international tourism platforms as an outstanding ecotourism destination.

Your donation will help for protecting the nature of the Eastern Rhodopes and for developing of green economy in the region.

The ban account of Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation is in Unicredit Bulbank Bulgaria:

IBAN: BG95UNCR 70001520725754


Thank you for your support!

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