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Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation

Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation is a legal non-profit entity which inherited the nature conservation activities of the New Thracian Gold project in the region of the Eastern Rhodopes. The main activities of the Foundation are connected with natural grazing of Red and Fallow deer and wild horses in the Rhodopes mountains. These activities are part of the European initiative:

The aims of the Foundation are:

  • To promote and implement the restoration and conservation of nature, natural processes and biodiversity  in cooperation with environmental organizations, state and municipal authorities and natural persons or legal entities;
  • To bringing back the variety of life for us all to enjoy and exploring new ways for people to earn a fair living from the wild;
  • To find new economic drivers to financially support the wilderness areas
  • To promote the introduction and implementation of sustainable organic farming,  and to stimulate better retail and consumption of bio products;
  • To stimulate and improve sustainable green tourism in Bulgaria in cooperation with local entrepreneurs, regional (tourist) organizations and international agencies;
  • To seek international cooperation and to involve local and foreign natural persons and legal entities, state and municipal organizations to achieve the objectives, projects and programs of the Foundation

If you would like to support the Rewilding Rhodopes Foundation and its activities in the Eastern Rhodopes, become our donor.

Eastern Rhodopes Guide

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Reintroduction of tarpans

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