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Dutch Ambassador Received the first copy of the booklet on the Eastern Rhodopes

On 22 May, the booklet "Discover the magic of the Eastern Rhodopes" was  presented at a special event in the Kardzhali Regional Historical Museum. Dutch Ambassador to Bulgaria Mr. Karel van Kesteren received the first copy of the booklet. Kardzhali Mayour and around 40 people - Bulgarian and Dutch - attended the event.

The 32 pages, 40 stunning pictures and 4 easy to read stories of the booklet are all aiming to inspire people to visit the Eastern Rhodopes, the author Fokko Erhart explains.

Fokko, NTG expert on wilderness and natural grazing, visited the Eastern Rhodopes for the first time in 1999. The warm welcome of the people and the inspiring encounters with the nature made him decide to return to this part of Bulgaria many times since then. As a result he also wrote the booklet "Discover the magic of the Eastern Rhodopes".

The Dutch version of this booklet has been already presented in the Bulgarian Embassy in The Netherlands on Novemver 16th 2012.


See here photos grom the event

Read here more about the booklet

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