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Еurope becomes more wild

The leading article in the January issue of GEO magazine (in Bulgarian) is dedicated to the restoration of European nature, known as Rewilding Europe. The title of the article, illustrated with unique photos, is "Europe goes wild."

The article comes as a leading material in editions of GEO magazines in 11 countries - from Brazil to Slovakia and from Spain to India.

Anke Sparmann, the author, has traveled to the Netherlands, Spain, Slovakia, Portugal, Germany and Poland to trace how rich the nature of Europe was and how this wealth can be restored. At the beginning of the trip, she believes that the phrase "Europe and wild place" do not fit together, but while travelling she sees with her own eyes that this is possible. Gradually, the wild horse, the lynx, the beaver, the wolf, the bear return to their ancient habitats.

With its vast biodiversity the Bulgarian Eastern Rhodopes can become one of those wild locations of Europe. The project New Thracian Gold contributes to this. Tarpans (wild horses) have already been reintroduced to the Eastern Rhodopes, the reintroduction of the red deer is in progress and , bringing back the European bison is in the nearest plans. The Eastern Rhodopes have the unique opportunity to join the Rewilding Europe Program and New Thracian Gold workes hard to achieve this goal.

Natura 2000 network

Natura 2000 is the centrepiece of EU nature & biodiversity policy. It is comprised of Special Areas of Conservation (SAC). Natura 2000...

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Places of interest

This section describes the natural and historical/cultural treasures of the Eastern Rhodopes. Concerning the nature and wilderness part, most...

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