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A New Admission under Measure 121 of RDP

On November 21, 2011 new acceptance of application for support under Measure 121 “Modernization of Agricultural Holdings” of Rural Development Program has started, the Misnitry of Agriculture and Food informs. The acceptance will end on December 21, 2011. It is related to the requested transfer of funds to Measure 121 “Modernization of Agricultural Activities” amounted to EUR 27 089 977 in VI amendment of Rural Development Program 2007-2013, as it will include admissible costs for financial support for investments made by:

  • Candidates in “Fruits and Vegetables “ sector
  • Candidates, approved for financial assistance and implementing projects under Measure 112 “Establishment of Young Farmers’ Farms”
  • Candidates approved for financial assistance and implementing projects under Measure 141 “Supporting of Semi-subsistence Farms Undergoing Restructuring”

The budget will be allocated as follows – EUR 10 082 977 for projects for investments in “fruits and vegetables” sector, EUR 12 000 000 for projects, presented by young farmers, approved for financial assistance and implementing projects under Measure 112 “Establishment of Young Farmers’ Farms” and EUR 5 000 000 for projects presented by farmers approved for financial assistance and implementing projects under Measure 141 “Supporting of Semi-subsistence Farms Undergoing Restructuring”.

Only farmers submitting an investment project which includes a business plan with detailing description of planned investments and activities for a period not less than 5 years can apply under the Measure. In case of establishment of perennial plants or making construction work the period is 10 years.

An Order for the acceptance is published on web site and

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